(1) Give to our 2nd collection. The weekend of January 25th, we will have a second collection at all Masses for the victims of the wildfires that also include several high school alumni families.
(2) Give a gift card. Donations of gift cards will be accepted to fast food eateries, restaurants, Target, Walmart, Costco, grocery stores or gas and will be collected through the Rectory Office. Any and all denominations of gift cards will be accepted — NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL!
(3) Donate to Mater Dolorosa Retreat House. Mater Dolorosa Retreat House received significant fire damage to their campus. This beautiful campus has been home to many of our ministry retreats and is need of our support. Visit Mater Dolorosa Retreat House to donate.
(4) Donate/Volunteer. Donations of food, clothing, and other necessities are being accepted through various organizations throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Visit the Archdiocesan website LA Catholics and click on “growing resource list” to access an updated list of agencies that are providing assistance.
You can also refer someone! If you know of anyone that is need of assistance, please refer them to the Archdiocese website LA Catholics.org where links to Society of St. Vincent de Paul and contact information for FEMA and other agencies can be found.
Lastly we pray for all families impacted and displaced, those who perished during the fires and their loved ones, we pray for the first responders and firefighters who continue to serve and protect our communities, for those firefighters from other counties, states, and countries who showed solidarity with Angelenos during this time of tragedy that claimed so many lives, homes, businesses and property.
We join Archbishop Gomez in praying,…”Our Blessed Mother protect and guide us. Our Lady, Queen of the Angels: Be a mother to us all!”